News About Belize and The Mission To Belize

2012 Mission Trip Summary

11 team members spent 10 days traveling the back roads of Belize experiencing and sharing God's love with the people of Northern Belize in some expected and many unexpected ways. Read more….

2009 Mission Trip Summary

A mighty "Team of Ten" guided by Pastor Mike has returned from a 10-day mission trip to Belize, Central America. With a Jesus Heals theme, the team experienced Christ's outstretched hand in every facet of healing: physical, spiritual, mental and relational. Read more….

Hurricane Dean Strikes Mission Area

Early in the morning of August 21, 2007, category 5 hurricane Dean made landfall at Costa Maya, Mexico, just 60 miles east-northeast of our mission area in Northern Belize. A state of emergency was quickly declared for the two northern districts in Belize. Read more...

ADA Press Release features Ellen Hayes

An American Diabetes Assocation press release on March 19, 2008 features the work of team member Ellen Hayes and her efforts to make a difference with the Belizean people suffering from diabetes. Read the release (Adobe Reader required).

2008 Mission Trip Summary

Four first-time members joined eight regulars from February 4-13, 2008. Although we had a smaller team they made significant progress on a house in San Victor, painted the interior of one school building and upgraded the electric service in that building. Many relationships were renewed or established and the team even had time for some special playtime. Read more….

Presentation to Local Kiwanis

Pastor Mike Pratt and Dave Rankin made a presentation on our mission to the Brookville Ohio Kiwanis on February 26, 2009, following our return from Belize. They used an updated and customized version of a slide presentation created last year by Ellen Hayes. The program was well received and the club secretary is an excellent job of reporting the program to the local paper, the Brookville Star. He combined information presented during the program with information from our web site. We could use more of this type of exposure. We are hopeful that the Kiwanis will provide some mission support for our next trip.