Financial Support

If you cannot join us on a trip to Belize, you can still be part of the mission by providing direct financial support.


Direct Financial Support of the Partnership for to Belize - Some of the funds used in the construction mission come from the team members themselves as part of the trip fee. However, the balance of the budget comes from support contributions. Send checks or money orders marked "Belize Mission" at anytime payable to: Lewisburgl United Methodist Church, PO Box 7, Lewisburg, OH 45338-007. Donations are acknowledged by regular donation statements including a statement at year-end that can be used to substantiate a chartiable deduction if you claim it on your tax return. We also offer convenient and safe on-line giving via PayPal. Our goal for the 2013 mission trip is to raise $10,000 to build a hurricane safe house for the Sapata family.