Welcome To Our Web Site

We hope that you will find these pages informative and enticing. We offer two OVERVIEW VIDEOS that give quick insight into our mission trips.

The pages under the ABOUT US menu contain information about who we are and why we go to Belize to do mission work. They also provide some insight into our objectives and a brief history of our mission and some past accomplishments. We hope that these pages explain why you should seriously consider joining us on a future mission trip. If you cannot join us, consider participating by providing financial support of the objectives of the team when they go to Belize.

The TRIP PLANNING section provides some guidelines and tips for those planning to go to Belize along with trip schedules. For those individuals who want to support the mission efforts but cannot go to Belize in person, the SUPPORT page provides details of the different methods you can use to provide some financial support. There is also a page with contact information so you can contact Pastor Pratt if you have questions that are not answered in these pages or to give us advanced notice of your plans to join us on the next trip.

There are some interesting STORIES that have come from prior missions. These stories provide additional insight into some unexpected benefits from the relationships we have formed with the Belizeans.

The MISSIONS section contains one of the most exciting features of this site: extensive photo galleries from prior trips. This section is divided into several mission components. Each component has a detailed description of the purpose of that mission's objective. Following the purpose statement is the menu for the several photo galleries that are further divided by the mission date. Each mission date menu item displays a page of photograph thumbnails. Once you display the gallery, you can click on the first thumbnail (or any thumbnail) to initiate a manual slide show of higher resolution photographs. You can advance to the next photograph by clicking on the right side of the photo or move back by clicking on the left side. By positioning your mouse on the very center of the photograph and right clicking, you can obtain a menu that will allow you to save that image to your own computer.

The ORAL HISTORY mission section is different in that there are videos of the actual interview sessions conducted as part of this project. These videos are listed under the name of the narrator. There are also some SPECIAL VIDEOS that add to the interviews. For example, there is a short video that shows how the Maya planted corn for centuries.

Don't hesitate to fully explore our web site. The full navigation menu is available on every page. Some links will open a new window so you don't loose track of where you were.


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